Ease the Symptoms of Insomnia with Acupuncture
Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders in the country. People with insomnia experience difficulties falling/staying asleep. A study estimates that 1 in 3 people or 10 percent of the population have at least mild insomnia. Some common... Read More →
Acupuncture for the Mind, Body, and Soul
Acupuncture has gained popularity over the last few years. Various studies have found that acupuncture is effective in treating chronic pain and a variety of health conditions. Ancient Chinese believed that diseases result from energy imbalances. Acupuncturists are trained to... Read More →
Making Healthier and Better Food Choices
You are what you eat. The food you put in your body has a major impact on your overall well-being and health. To maintain good health, you need to make better food choices. You must be very particular about what’s... Read More →
Meridian & Acupressure Massage
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that promotes the use of paper-thin needles to balance the natural flow of energy in the body. Acupuncturists are trained to manipulate Qi that flows through the energy pathways inside the body. During an... Read More →
How to Stay Healthy During Spring
Spring signifies a time of transition. Nature comes to life in spring. Everything in it changes during the season, promising new life and hope. For all living beings, including humans, it is a time of renewal and growth. Spring can,... Read More →
Why All Athletes Should Use Acupuncture
In recent years, acupuncture in Walnut Creek has gained immense popularity and is receiving a lot of publicity. Acupuncture is an ancient therapy that dates back several hundred years, and has been used by soldiers, martial artists, and athletes to... Read More →
Acupuncture as an Alternative to the Flu Shot to Stay Healthy Through Cold & Flu Season
There is much to love about winter. As mercury drops, you will have one more reason to enjoy your favorite hot beverage and appreciate the colors of nature. You can cozy up with your loved one near the fireplace or... Read More →
How to Care for Yourself After an Acupuncture Treatment
Most acupuncturists will tell you need to take care of yourself after a session of acupuncture. This is because acupuncture causes your body to react in ways it is not used to reacting. Hence, taking care of yourself will allow... Read More →
Can Acupuncture Really Help Promote Weight Loss?
Acupuncture, a very popular form of traditional Chinese medicine, is a needle-based alternative therapy that is used to treat myriad health conditions. But, did you know it is also used for weight loss? When it comes to losing weight, our... Read More →
Can Acupuncture Help with Allergic Asthma?
Asthma can be quite frustrating, and inhaled medications can oftentimes be tricky to use! And while acupuncture may not be the first solution to come to mind as a treatment for respiratory conditions such as allergies, asthma, common colds, emphysema... Read More →