Visit A Trained Acupuncturist in Walnut Creek Today
More and more people are turning to acupuncture for help with meeting their wellness goals. As a natural medicine, this gentle and effective treatment has been used to heal acute as well as chronic health conditions for thousands of years. It is a relaxing, restorative treatment that uses superfine needles no larger than a human hair, and can help with everything from pains and tension to hormone imbalance, emotional stress, digestive irregularity, fatigue, immunity, respiratory and circulatory disorders. If you’re looking for an acupuncturist in Walnut Creek, we can help
Acupuncture Services At Walnut Creek
If you’re looking for an acupuncturist in Walnut Creek, Anna Ritner, L.Ac., FABORM, is a California state-licensed herbalist and Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine. She completed a clinical acupuncture certificate through the Zhejiang Chinese Medical University in Hangzhou, China, and brings her considerable experience to Monarch Acupuncture. Anna also has advanced training in hormonal balance, fertility medicine, pregnancy support, digestive and mood disorders.
Monarch Acupuncture at Walnut Creek offers customized care plans based on your needs and goals. Our acupuncturists offer treatments for general ailments like allergies, sinusitis, insomnia, sexual dysfunction and weight loss, women’s health ailments including menstrual irregularities, PMS, fertility and pregnancy, pain and digestive disorders including chronic diarrhea and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Our team of acupuncturists at Walnut Creek weaves together treatments including acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping therapy and moxibustion, along with nutrition counseling and lifestyle measures.
Other Services
Our clinic at Walnut Creek also offers acupuncture for infertility. Chinese medicine is a therapy that can help with fertility utilizing ART, IUI or IVF. Acupuncture can also help with pregnancy, as it is a safe way to keep your body in balance throughout pregnancy as well as the postpartum time.
For more information on our services, therapies, and advice on how we can help you, contact our trained acupuncturists at Walnut Creek today!