Cosmetic Acupuncture
Nanoneedling and Facial Rejuvenation
Nanoneedling is a similar modality to microneedling, except the needles penetrate the skin at a much shallower depth. This treatment can be applied more frequently than microneedling and is an excellent complement to your cosmetic acupuncture program between microneedling sessions! It is also appropriate for very thin or sensitive skin.
Facial Rejuvenation is another modality that can be used as a standalone therapy, or in between microneedling sessions. Facial rejuvenation involves the insertion of very fine acupuncture needles into key areas of the face, in order to promote skin tightness and elasticity, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and lift skin that is sagging or folding.
At your first visit, our cosmetic acupuncturist will provide a consultation and comprehensive health intake, and then will recommend a course of treatment based on. your individual needs and goals.
Nanoneedling and Facial Rejuvenation pricing: $250 per session