Acupuncture Treatment in Walnut Creek, CA
Our acupuncture treatment is a gentle and effective form of natural medicine that can be used to heal both acute and chronic health conditions. Superfine acupuncture needles are no larger than the size of a human hair, and receiving an acupuncture treatment is deeply restorative and relaxing.
With centuries of use backing its effectiveness, acupuncture can help you with pains, tension, fatigue, emotional stress, hormone imbalance, digestive irregularity, immunity, respiratory & circulatory disorders, and so much more.
Whether you’re trying to conceive naturally, or considering embarking on a fertility journey utilizing ART, IUI or IVF, Chinese Medicine is an amazing therapy or complement therapy to improve your chances of success and keep you grounded during the process.
FOR PREGNANCYAcupuncture is a safe and gentle way to optimize your health and keep your body in balance throughout pregnancy and the postpartum time. Every pregnancy is unique, and Chinese Medicine’s rich and complex diagnostic system honors this complexity of motherhood.
Our medical-grade Microneedling Facials and facial rejuvenation sessions diminish wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin, correct pore & pigmentation issues and clear acne scars, helping your spirit shine from the inside-out.