How Acupuncture Can Help to Deal with Dementia & Alzheimer’s
Acupuncture, an ancient traditional form of Chinese medicine, is gaining acceptance across the globe. While it may still sound like a hoax to many Western minds that are accustomed to good ol’ pills as the only cure to health ailments, this form of medicine has been around for over 3,000 years, and does help in relieving all kinds of afflictions such as nausea, anxiety, musculoskeletal pain, and even Alzheimer’s and dementia. Yes, you can seek acupuncture treatment near me even for Alzheimer’s and dementia!
Positive Effects of Acupuncture on Alzheimer’s
Improves Cognitive Abilities: Several studies have been conducted to establish the effects of acupuncture on Alzheimer’s, and the results have shown that it can in fact help patients suffering from the condition. These studies indicate that acupuncture can greatly improve the lives of people suffering from the disease by increasing their motor and verbal skills. The studies have also proven that acupuncture can help in improving cognitive functioning and overall mood. According to researchers, the insertion of acupuncture needles at certain specific points can stimulate cognitive function and improve decision-making processes in many patients. It also helps improve attention span and orientation to changes in the environment.
Alleviates Depression Symptoms: Many doctors have recorded that acupuncture can indeed alleviate myriad symptoms of depression such as agitation and anxiety that are quite common in patients suffering from pre-dementia and Alzheimer’s. According to a study, a number of patients suffering from dementia were given acupuncture treatment twice a week for 3 whole months. Tests were conducted and compared after the acupuncture sessions, and showed a significant reduction in depression in the subjects.
How Can Acupuncture Work in Preventing Alzheimer’s?
Though there are some debates that claim otherwise, most acupuncturists do believe that acupuncture can indeed help in preventing the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s. Regular acupuncture sessions are very relaxing, and also boost brain health, and lower the risk of Alzheimer’s and MCI. When a patient undergoes acupuncture treatment, aside from several health benefits, he will also enjoy a more relaxed and calm feeling aside from improved mental alertness.
Considerations to Bear in Mind
If you have never opted for acupuncture treatments in the past, you must keep the following considerations in mind:
- Ensure that the acupuncturist you choose holds a certificate from a reputed and accredited institution, and is licensed to provide acupuncture treatment. She must have studied acupuncture for at least 3 years before she can practice.
- Be patient. Acupuncture is an alternative form of medicine, and is not a one-time treatment. Generally, it takes several sessions before you begin to notice results.
If you are looking for acupuncture treatment near you to seek treatment for dementia or Alzheimer’s, look no further than Monarch Acupuncture & Wellness. Contact us by filling out a form at