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a person using a needle to get an acupuncture

7 Signs You Need Acupuncture

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Acupuncture is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is used around the world to manage the symptoms of various health conditions. Studies show that acupuncture can reduce different types of pain and stress to improve an individual’s overall well-being. TCM practitioners believe that illnesses are caused by energy blockages. Contra Costa County Acupuncturists strategically insert paper-thin needles through the skin at different points on the body to heal energy blockages and restore the balance of energy flow in the human body.

Is Acupuncture Safe?

Acupuncturists use paper-thin needles (much thinner than traditional hypodermic needles). They are trained to insert and manipulate these needles effectively and as a result, most people find Acupuncture incredibly relaxing. Many people feel so relaxed that they fall asleep during acupuncture sessions. Any mild pain, soreness, or discomfort after a session usually goes away within 24 hours. Acupuncture needles are sterilized before the treatment and disposed of afterward to reduce the risk of infection.

Here are some signs you need acupuncture.

You Feel Stressed and Anxious all the Time

Stress is our body’s response to a perceived threat. Several life events or situations can cause stress. While it is normal for a person to feel stressed at times, constant and persistent stress isn’t natural or healthy.

Studies show that long-term or chronic stress can cause various health conditions and illnesses such as hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Stress can impact one’s mental health, leaving them vulnerable to depression and other mental disorders. People struggling with stress often miss work or school and have difficulty concentrating and focusing.

Acupuncture is known to relax the body and mind and may be beneficial for those dealing with stress or anxiety. Studies show that the ancient Chinese practice stimulates the body to produce more feel-good or happy hormones that reduce pain, stress, and anxiety, thereby enhancing happiness and pleasure.

You are Struggling with Chronic Pain

Pain can be caused by injuries and debilitating illnesses or health conditions. Some types of pain include acute pain, nociceptive pain, and radicular pain. Depending on the cause, pain can affect different parts of the body.

Regardless of the cause and type of pain, acupuncture can help. It works by relaxing the nerves, muscles, and connective tissues in the affected area to reduce pain. Acupuncture also reduces inflammation by activating different nerve pathways.

You are Always Tired

Some common signs of fatigue include chronic tiredness, headaches, dizziness, and muscle weakness. From nutrient deficiencies to inadequate hydration, there are several causes of tiredness and fatigue. Regardless of the cause, fatigue can lead to mental disorders.

If you constantly feel tired or have chronic fatigue syndrome, acupuncture might help boost your energy levels by balancing your hormones and regulating nervous system activity.

You are Struggling with a Sleep Disorder

During sleep, your body repairs damaged organs, cells, and tissues and releases growth hormones that repair muscles. Sleep deprivation is known to cause several health conditions such as hypertension, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, and depression.

Have trouble falling or staying asleep? Give acupuncture a try. The ancient Chinese practice induces relaxation and decreases stress to help one sleep better at night. Research suggests that acupuncture may stimulate the body to produce more melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

You get Sick Too Often

If you keep getting sick, you may have a weakened immune system. Acupuncture is thought to regulate the body’s immune response, enhancing its ability to fight off pathogens. Strategically inserted acupuncture needles stimulate the production of immune cells such as white blood cells. Chronic stress can weaken the immune system. Acupuncture can reduce stress by calming the mind and body.

Acupuncture may help maintain the right cytokine levels (cytokines regulate immunity, inflammation, and hematopoiesis). It improves circulation to facilitate the efficient distribution of nutrients and immune cells throughout the body. Acupuncture also reduces inflammation and regulates the autonomic nervous system to boost your immune system.

You Experience Recurring, Regular Headaches

Headaches can be caused by many different triggers. Depending on the cause, the intensity of tension headaches can vary from mild to severe. Recurring headaches can cause concentration issues and affect quality of life.

Acupuncture can help reduce the intensity and severity of tension headaches by stimulating the release of neurotransmitters. It may increase blood circulation to alleviate headache symptoms. Inflammation can cause headaches. Acupuncture helps the body fight inflammation by triggering an anti-inflammatory response. It can also help reduce stress, a common cause of headaches.

You are Trying to Cope with Digestive Problems

Some common signs of digestive disorders include bloating, constipation, heartburn, and diarrhea. A digestive disorder can affect your mood and sense of well-being. Acupuncture can address digestive problems by strengthening the digestive tract. It is thought to balance the body’s energy flow, or Qi, to boost digestive health.

Stress can significantly impact digestion, and can cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acid reflux, and other digestive disorders. Acupuncture can help prevent or treat the symptoms of digestive disorders by reducing stress and anxiety. It stimulates the nerve pathways to improve gut motility and address dysfunctions such as constipation and diarrhea.

Monarch Acupuncture is a renowned acupuncture clinic in Contra Costa County. Our team consists of seasoned Contra Costa County acupuncturists. Our treatments are tailored to address a wide range of conditions, from common ailments like headaches and migraines to more specific issues such as menstrual cramps and chronic pain. Our approach is centered on using time-honored TCM techniques, which have been proven effective over centuries of practice. To schedule your initial consultation, contact us at (925) 268-8830.