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Fertility Acupuncture Treatment: Can Acupuncture Help You Conceive?

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There are so many different factors that can determine the success of a pregnancy. One of these factors is stress. To counter the detrimental effects that stress has, some women utilize acupuncture to help when attempting to become pregnant. Studies show that the ancient Chinese medical technique can increase the chances of carrying to term. Fertility Acupuncture near you in Walnut Creek addresses the root cause of infertility, rather than its symptoms.

The Far-reaching Effect of Infertility

Infertility has a profound effect on a woman’s mental and emotional well-being. Research indicates that women facing fertility challenges are more prone to anxiety. Infertility can also increase a woman’s likelihood of suffering from depression. Many women struggling with fertility problems have low self-esteem and feel ashamed and guilty.

Signs of Female Infertility

The primary and most obvious sign of female infertility is the failure to become pregnant. Other common symptoms associated with infertility may include irregular menstrual cycles characterized by unusually heavy or light bleeding, prolonged periods, changes in sexual appetite and desire, and painful periods.

How Can Acupuncture Help?

Acupuncture can address fertility issues in several ways. Uterine fibroids are noncancerous, muscular growths that appear in the uterus during childbearing years. They can block the fallopian tubes and lead to infertility. Fertility acupuncture near you in Walnut Creek can promote blood flow to the uterus, helping reduce the size of uterine fibroids.

Stress is often linked to infertility. Acupuncture can help tame stress by stimulating the body to produce feel-good/happy hormones such as endorphins and serotonin. These hormones promote well-being by improving mood, lowering stress, and reducing pain.

Another common cause of infertility is Endometriosis, a condition in which tissue resembling the lining of the uterus grows outside of it. Studies show that approximately 30 to 50 percent of women suffering from endometriosis face fertility problems. Acupuncture can help manage the symptoms of endometriosis by improving blood circulation, decreasing inflammation, and triggering the release of happy hormones.

Infertility can also be caused by hormonal imbalance, which occurs when there is an excess or deficiency of one or more hormones in a woman’s bloodstream. Acupuncture for fertility can help correct hormonal imbalance by positively influencing the secretion of female reproductive hormones. When your hormones are balanced, the body reacts more favorably to ovarian stimulation.

A weakened immune system might result in miscarriage. In women with a weakened immune system, acupuncture can boost immunity by enhancing their red blood cell and white blood cell count.

Research indicates that the traditional Chinese medical practice boosts embryo implantation and pregnancy rates in women who have undergone one or several unsuccessful IVF cycles.

In women undergoing IVF or other fertility treatments, acupuncture can improve blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, helping increase the thickness of the endometrial lining. An adequately nourished endometrial lining is vital for the successful implantation of an embryo.

Are you struggling with fertility problems? Let Monarch Acupuncture & Wellness help. We use different techniques to treat health problems that cause fertility problems. To make an appointment, click here or call (925) 268- 8830.